Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor/ Rehabilitation

PhysioFirst’s pelvic floor rehabilitation program is a confidential service offers assistance to individuals with the following difficulties with:

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence
  • Difficulty with bowel, bladder, or sexual functions
  • Pelvic organ prolapse symptoms
  • Scar tissue following childbirth or pelvic surgery
  • Persistent sacroiliac or low back pain
  • Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain conditions

Trained physiotherapist will offer you:

    • A detailed assessment
    • Education of how the pelvic floor muscles work in dynamic positions
    • Conservative methods of treatment; including biofeedback and muscle retraining with electrical stimulation

Our program has an up-to-date collection of educational materials to help you make informed decisions about your personal health.